PhD defence: Mart Laatsit

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Mart Laatsit has submitted his thesis entitled: Policy learning in innovation policy. A comparative analysis of European Union member states

Monday, January 21, 2019 - 13:00 to 15:00

This thesis studies policy learning in the field of innovation policy. In particular, I look at the sources of policy learning, with a focus on evaluations and informal networks. I provide a comparative perspective across European Union (EU) member states on how they use these sources for policy learning. The findings of this thesis show that countries in the EU are very different in the extent and sophistication of how they make use of the two types of sources for policy learning. At the same time, it is remarkable that countries that are more advanced in using one type of source are also better at using the other type

Primary Supervisor:
Professor Susana Borras
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisors:
Associate Professor Manuele Citi
Department of International Economics, Government and Business
Copenhagen Business School

Assistant Professor Anton Grau Larsen
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School

Senior Research Scientist Tarmo Kalvet
Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance
Tallinn Technical University
Assessment Committee:

Associate Professor Stine Haakonson  (Chair)
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Rainer Kattel
Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
University College London

Head of Unit Matthias K. Weber
Innovation Systems & Policy Unit
Austrian Institute of Technology

The thesis will be available here
The Doctoral School of Organisation and Management Studies will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in IOA’s kitchen area on the 4th floor of Kilen.

Organised by The Doctoral School of Organisation and Management Studies
Date 21 January 2019
Time 13.00 - 15.00
Location Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A
2000 Frederiksberg


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 10/08/2019