Degree Programmes

Department of Organization has an extensive research-based programme portfolio. We teach core courses in organizational analysis, strategy, organizational behavior and qualitative methods. We also offer many specialized courses such as "Managing innovation and change", Organizational Identity", "Human Resource Management" and "Organizational development". Our research-based teaching combines practical orientation, critical reflection and qualitative methods, aiming to make students become engaged and reflective practitioners.
Bachelor Programmes |
Responsible |
HA i Projektledelse (taught in Danish) In the BA in Business Administration and Project Management you will learn how companies and organizations work with projects, including their planning, execution and evaluation. You will learn to analyse projects from multiple angles and to situate project management in a business context as well as in a broader organizational, societal and international context. |
Trine Pallesen |
HA i Erhvervsøkonomi og psykologi (taught in Danish) The BSc in Business Administration and Psychology develops your understanding about one of the company's most important resources: the employees. You learn how to develop people, relationships, and motivation, working professionally with human behavior and business practices. Through a combination of business economics and psychology, you develop skills that enable you to strengthen organizational frameworks for employee collaboration and wellbeing with the aim of achieving better
company results.
Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen |
HA i Europæisk Business (taught in Danish) Europæisk Business er en erhvervsøkonomisk uddannelse med specialisering i europæiske forhold. Vi tager udgangspunkt i Europa fordi løsninger på danske virksomheders udfordringer forudsætter viden om europæisk økonomi, forståelse af betydningen af kulturel diversitet i Europa, samt kendskab til politiske institutioner og processer på både EU og medlemsstats niveau. |
Christoph Houman Ellersgaard |
BSc in International Business and Politics The BSc IBP programme equips students with core business competencies and interdisciplinary training to place business dynamics in a broad political, economic and social context. The degree provides students with the competence to locate socio-economic, macro-economic, and political changes, analyse firms’ market and non-market strategies, understand the logics behind economic and managerial behaviour, to interpret corporate accounts and financial statements, and develop their analytic skills via quantitative and qualitative methodologies. The programme promotes critical, independent thinking and fosters a reflexive approach towards data and other sources of information that stresses their inherent ambiguities. |
Leonard Seabrooke |
Master Programmes |
Cand.merc in Strategy, Organization and Leadership, SOL MSc in EBA SOL (Strategy, Organization, and Leadership). The program focuses on managing, organizing and leading in contexts of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It advances understanding of multiple dynamic and inter-related factors, with unpredictable or hard to control outcomes, and where success (or failure) is temporary. Through engaging courses and projects, it ignites students’ imagination for connecting novel theoretical ideas and practical action across different types of organizations. The program offers an exceptional international learning environment where discussing and collaborating with as well as challenging each other is highly appreciated. |
Christian De Cock |
Cand.merc. erhvervsøkonomi - People and Business Development People and Business Development gives the candidates the keys to understand why and how the organization’s people and human capital becomes the key drivers of business development and transformation in modern organizations.
The people strategies and human capital tools including talent management, people analytics, competence advancement, rewards and compensation are core elements in coping with today’s business challenges like agility, digital transformation and sustainability.
The People and Business Development aims to develop candidates who equipped to do data- and theory based analysis of the highest level and aiming at three specific areas of interest. The concentration is based on the analysis that modern people strategies and
human capital, needs to focus on context, value and change in order to make the management and staff working with human capital able fulfil their potential as business partners and change agents.
Frans Bevort |
Cand.soc in Management in Creative Business Processes, CBP The programme in Management of Creative Business Processes focuses on how to navigate the realms of business and art within and beyond the creative industries. In a cross-disciplinary and case-based learning environment, we will uncover theoretical and practical aspects of managing creative processes in a complex organizational context. These insights will help you develop a broad range of managerial skills needed to balance the nurturing of creativity with the running of a successful business. There is a possibility to pursue a Double Degree with Bocconi University (MSc in Economics and Management of Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment). |
Silviya Svejenova Velikova |
Graduate diploma (HD 2. del - Org) HD Organization and Management offers teaching at a high academic level for present and future leaders. Through the programme, your understanding of organizational phenomena and your analytical and reflexive skills are raised to a new level, making you capable of delivering on challenging tasks in a variety of environments. The programme offers both a broad orientation in organization theory and a possibility for deeper specialization within a chosen field (currently 4 different progression courses). |
Emil Husted |
Cand.soc in Human Resource Management, HRM (taught in Danish) Uddannelsen dækker på den ene side hele medarbejderlivscyklussen inden for HRM. Fra rekruttering, over udvikling og motivation, til afvikling, afskedigelse af medarbejdere – virksomhedens humane kapital. Du vil få en viden og indsigt, der bl.a. gør dig i stand til at analysere behovene for intern og ekstern rekruttering, at designe job og planlægge medarbejder- og organisationsudvikling. På den anden side vil du også lære at udvikle og gennemføre forskellige HR-strategier (Work-life-balance, motivation, belønning etc.) og at indhente og analysere data om medarbejdertrivsel og performance, ligesom du også vil få viden om afskedigelse af medarbejdere. Det indebærer også, at analysere kritisk hvilke krav til organisationens ledelse, branchen og samfundet stiller, f.eks. i form af ligebehandling, diversitet eller arbejdsmiljø. |
Sara Louise Muhr |
Cand.merc in Erhvervsøkonomi og Psykologi, PSYK (taught in Danish) The MSc in Business Administration and Psychology develops your skills in change and business psychology by combining business economics and psychology. This combination enables you to analyze the importance of the human factor in organizational change and innovation processes, and design and implement optimal solutions for complex challenges in private and public organizations. |
Elisabeth Naima Mikkelsen |
MSc in International Business and Politics The MSc IBP programme equips students with core business competencies and interdisciplinary training to place business dynamics within a broad political, economic and social context. The degree provides students with the competence to locate socio-economic, macro-economic, and political changes, analyse firms’ market and non-market strategies, understand the logics behind economic and managerial behaviour, develop applied analysis for business and public organizations, and develop their analytic skills via advanced quantitative and qualitative methodologies. |
Leonard Seabrooke |
MSc in Public Management and Social Development - SDC At the core of the programme are questions of how the public and private sectors interact to produce or retard social development and innovation. The programme explores the processes that condition this interaction and how this interaction is best managed to optimise welfare, governance and market outcomes. Students learn about the Chinese and the European contexts and explore the various challenges that face the project of development in both contexts. Students acquire a broad knowledge about how different welfare, governance and market models work. They investigate the strengths and weaknesses of these models and consider ways forward regarding welfare policies and institutional development. On completion of the programme students receive a double degree: Master of Science in Social Sciences Public Management and Social Development from Copenhagen Business School, and Master of Management with major in Public Management, Administration Management from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. |
Duncan Wigan |
Executive Programmes |
Master of Public Governance (taught in Danish) I spændingsfeltet mellem politikere, borgere og forskellige professioner håndterer offentlige ledere komplekse problemstillinger. Det kræver både omtanke og handling. Derfor uddanner Master of Public Governance ledere, som er reflekterede og handlekraftige. Den enkelte studerende sætter selv retningen for sin egen master, ligesom man bliver rustet til at sætte retning for hele samfundet. Over 500 studerende er i gang med uddannelsen. Der udbydes 30 forskellige moduler som løbende fornyes og de 60 undervisere forsker sideløbende i offentlig praksis. Der kan vælges mellem det fleksible forløb på 2-6 år og det faste holdforløb på 2 1/2 år. På begge forløb er det ledelsesfaglige i fokus, herunder særligt det personlige lederskab. Deltagerne fordyber sig i problemstillinger fra deres egen organisation og løser praktiske cases og konkrete udfordringer fra arbejdspladsen. Ud over at gøre undervisningen mere relevant for den enkelte deltager, sikres et højt udbytte for deltagernes arbejdspladser. |
Susanne Boch Waldorff |
Master of Management Development (taught in Danish) MMD er en stærkt fokuseret, toårig, kontekst- og dialogbaseret masteruddannelse, som fokuserer 100% på 'leadership'. MMD uddanner analytiske og refleksive ledere. Uddannelsen styrker deltagernes personlige og faglige lederskab til at skabe innovative og holdbare forandringer i egen organisation. Uddannelsen er målrettet ledere fra både privat og offentlig sektor, der skal håndtere nye og konstant foranderlige sammenhænge. På uddannelsen lærer man ikke ”om ledelse”, men man bliver inspireret til at lede via den brede vifte af konkurrerende aktiviteter, begreber, modeller, teorier og metaperspektiver, som MMD rammesætter for at udfordre og bevæge deltagerne. Op til 36 erfarne ledere får hvert andet år mulighed for at gennemføre et personligt ledelsesudviklingsforløb via MMD. MMD slogan: Din Udvikling. Virksomhedens Forvandling. |
Eva Boxenbaum |
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Phone: +45 3815 2815
EAN: 5798009814821