Green news

Here you can read about the latest and upcoming IOA sustainability associated news and events.

- January 21, 2025. IOA's own Peter Holm Jacobsen has a new 'green' publication called “Governing resource making in energy transitions: a study of shifting configurations of biogas in Denmark from farming to big business”. It's published in Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. It is coauthored with Jens luel-Stissing and Ask Greve Johansen. Find the publication here.

-December 5, 2024. Three IOA'ers, Olga Mikheeva, Jacob Hasselbalch, and Eleni Tsingou, hosted a workshop of the Green Political Economy Network (GPEN) on the theme of ‘the green state’. The workshop featured a presentation by Poya Pakzad (from Tænketanken Brundtland) on democratic ownership and sustainability transitions of public infrastructure, as well as journal scoping exercises where participants covered the green state debate in a variety of academic journals. The workshop was very successful and more than 25 scholars from universities in the region (including CBS, RUC, UCPH and Lund) and from further abroad (Barcelona, Cambridge) joined the proceedings.

- October 14, 2024. The building, Kilen, that houses IOA will during the next approximatly six months get its roof renovated and in connection to that get sun panels installed. In the long term, the sun panels should be able to produce enough energy to keep the entirety of CBS running. This is a picture of Head of Department Carsten Greve and Head of Secretariat Marianne Aarø-Hansen visiting the roof prior to the renovation.

- September 26, 2024. Susana Borrás, Stine Haakonsson, Trine Pallesen have a new publication. Susana Borrás, Stine Haakonsson, Trine Pallesen et al. 'The transformative capacity of public sector organisations in sustainability transitions' in the journal Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions (2024). Public sector organisations (PSOs) such as municipalities, regulatory bodies, and public utilities are key actors in sustainability transitions. The article proposes a higher-order holistic conceptual framework based on three constitutive elements: roles, resources, and abilities. In the article they conceptualise the transformative capacity of a public sector organisation as the interaction between its roles, resources, and abilities in the enactment of its transformative agency. This article is an important part of the CAPACITOR project and even more important for the green transition. Available here:

- September 26, 2024. Søren Lund Frandsen and Jacob Hasselbalch have a new publication out in WIREs Climate Change called “Who are the green transition experts? Towards a new research agenda on climate change knowledge”. The article is a review of the existing social science literature on climate change expertise, positing a distinction between an existing IPCC agenda and the need for a new post-IPCC agenda. Drawing on the sociology of expertise, the emerging post-IPCC agenda studies the role of expert networks in directing and implementing the transition strategies of states and corporations. The figure of the “transition expert”, they argue, is a crucial type of actor to understand to gain a stronger normative and analytical grasp of the green transition. The article can be accessed here:

- September 10, 2024. Rosie Collington gave a presentation on September 10 to government energy modellers from around the world discussing research on the outsourcing of energy governance capacity and the political economy of climate consulting at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)’s annual forum of the Global Network on Long-Term Energy Scenarios.

- September 7, 2024. Jacob Hasselbalch was an invited speaker at the Akademie für Politische Bildung in Tutzing, Germany. The Akademie was host to a three-day workshop on “Post-growth: An alternative view on (global) sustainability”, which was co-organized by the Global Politics of Post-Growth Network under the DFG (German Research Foundation). This was a public-facing event on the politics of economic growth in the green transition, gathering a blended crowd of academics and concerned citizens to discuss relevant insights from research, practice, and policy. You can find more information about the event here:

- September 4, 2024. CBS researchers Stine Jessen Haakonsson, Trine Pallesen and Jacob Adam Hasselbalch gave a masterclass on climate leadership. The masterclass was held in collaboration with DM and MPG. Green leadership is all about seeing the organization as a part of a bigger societal transition; this demands a lot from an organization's leaders - how do one handle that?

- July 30, 2024. Stine Haakonsson guested the DR-produced podcast Guld og grønne skove in the episode Pengenes Planet: Sydasien. Listen to the podcast here:


The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 02/19/2025