Department Strategy

As part of the overall CBS strategy, Department of Organization has formulated its own partial strategy: Who are we? What are our governing values? What do we want to accomplish and how? Below you can find more information as well as download the entire strategy.

Strategy Abstract:
'Department of Organization (IOA) pursues a problem oriented, business- in-society-approach to understanding and intervening in organizations and organizational life. We carry out high quality research and teaching characterized by close contact to organizational practice, empirical curiosity and critical thinking. We make an impact by setting the academic agenda, educating reflexive, responsible and entrepreneurial students, and identifying and innovatively responding to societal needs and challenges.'

By downloading the pdf. you can read the entire IOA strategy:

IOA Strategy 2021.pdf

In late 2023, the Senior Management at CBS asked all Heads of Departments to present concrete plans on how they were initiating strategic measures at their department. The IOA response was prepared accordingly and presented at the first department meeting in the Spring of 2024.
PDF icon Strategic department plan – Department of Organization

IOA formulated its own sustainability policy in 2019. The sustainability policy sets out guiding principles and concrete actions, including the following: IOA does not subsidize flight travels to destinations which can be reached by train within 8 hours. At IOA events, IOA orders vegetarian catering.
PDF icon IOA Sustainability Policy 2019
A taskforce worked on a research communication policy and it was the topic of the IOA department day in June 2023. The result was the “IOA Research Communication Prototype” that was ready by September 2023.
PDF icon IOA Research Communication Prototype  

The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 05/22/2024


Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Kilevej 14A
DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Phone: +45 3815 2815
EAN: 5798009814821