Promotion of Dr. Gülen Sarial-Abi to Full Professor of Marketing



Promotion of Dr. Gülen Sarial-Abi to Full Professor of Marketing

It is with great pleasure that I can announce that my colleague Dr. Gülen Sarial-Abi has been promoted to Full Professor of Marketing.

Gülen was awarded the Ph.D. degree from the Koc University, Turkey on completion of her thesis on the behavior of financially restricted consumers. She then worked at Bocconi University, Italy as assistant professor of marketing.

gsaSince April 2020, Gülen has been employed in the Department of Marketing at the Copenhagen Business School as an associate professor of marketing up until now.

Gülen’s research interests include investigating consumer behavior with specific emphasis to understand implications of technology and how consumers behave when they experience psychological threats (e.g., financial restrictions).

Gülen’s work has appeared in top journals including:

 Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of International Marketing, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Business Ethics, British Journal of Social Psychology, and Annals of Tourism Research.

Dr. Sarial-Abi is the recipient of the Jorcks Fond Research Award 2021 and the C. W. Park Best Paper Award 2019 from Journal of Consumer Psychology.

Congratulations, Gülen, on the Full Professorship of Marketing!  


The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/25/2024