Research Stories

Discover new approaches to business and society

  • 25.05.22
    There are more serious digital threats to companies, authorities, individuals and countries than ever. Below is a list of researchers from CBS who conduct research on cyber security, digital threats and relevant legislation, e.g. NIS2, which is a new EU directive on cyber security to be implemented over the next two years.
  • 19.05.22
    The current war in Ukraine is also a cyberwar. Only, the continuous cyberwarfare is overshadowed by the spectacular military news and atrocities, says expert in cybersecurity and Assistant Professor at CBS, Jan Lemnitzer.
  • 17.05.22
    A new project will become the first living lab for systematically studying expectations of the future. Here are five questions for CBS Assistant Professor Luigi Butera who won the prestigious Sapere Aude grant back in November.
  • 11.05.22
    Public and private companies spend millions of Danish kroner on management development programmes. In general, leaders appreciate the courses, but research shows that they do not appear to generate better leaders. In fact, quite the opposite.
  • 04.05.22
    CBS has appointed six new honorary doctors. Among them is Harvard Professor and bestselling author, Shoshana Zuboff, who has become world-renowned for her theory on what she calls surveillance capitalism. Zuboff alongside another five international researchers will give an open lecture at CBS on May 18th, 2022.
  • 02.05.22
    This series gives you an insight into the research going on at CBS and how the results are relevant to companies, organisations and to our society as a whole. Here are five questions for Michael Pedersen, Associate Professor at CBS:
  • 01.05.22
    Does the COVID-19 pandemic have an on going effect on tourism? Find out in this month's spotlight on new research publications from CBS, where you can learn more about the many current topics in the world of research.
  • 20.04.22
    This series gives you an insight into the research going on at CBS and how the results are relevant to companies, organisations and to our society as a whole. Here are three questions for Anoush Margaryan, Professor at CBS.
  • 12.04.22
    This series gives you an insight into the research going on at CBS and how the results are relevant to companies, organisations and to our society as a whole. Here are four questions for Kristjan Jespersen, Associate Professor at CBS.
  • 08.04.22
    Last week, the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published the third and final part of its assessment on what the world can do to avoid dangerous climate change.
