Department of Management, Society and Communication

Department of Management, Society and Communication

Mail and IT

CBS Webmail

To make sure that you receive all important information from us it is important that you check your CBS webmail on a regular basis. We are not allowed to communicate with you via your private Email. This is to insure that the personal and sensitive information we share is aligned with the security requirements described in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How to change your CBS Log-in

If you need to change your password, please use this link. Please notice that this is required every third month (you will receive a notification mail). It is your AD password you have to change.

On this website you can also type in your private email address or mobile phone number which will enable you to reset your password automatically in the future.

If you need help, please contact IT support.

Mail at the department

Incoming mail at MSC can be found in the shared EL/UA pigeonholes in room DH 2Ø.091. Please check this pigeonhole now and then.

IT support

Phone.: 3815 3715

They can also be found at the Campus Desks at Solbjerg Plads, Porcelænshaven and Dalgas Have.

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 09/10/2021