Department of Management, Society and Communication

Department of Management, Society and Communication

Pay and time registration

External Lecturers

Registration of teaching hours
All teaching activities (teaching, supervision, exams etc.) are registered in the administrative system, Prophix. Your employment is affiliated with MSC, but it is the individual programs in which you teach that remunerates you.,

Time Sheet Reports
During each semester you will receive 4 emails with a link to your electronic time sheet report for control and possible remarks. The time sheet reports show your registered hours and the link is sent to your CBS mail.

Please notice, that you are the only one who has the full overview of all your teaching activities. Therefore, it is important that you check the time sheet reports when you receive them and notify the relevant course administrator if any hours are missing or are registered incorrectly.

Maximum number of hours
Please be aware not to exceed the allowed 700 working hours per academic year (runs from 1 September – 31 August).

You will be placed with a number of hours in the beginning of each semester (based on an estimation of your expected teaching, supervision, grading of assignments, exams, etc. – based on the registration in Prophix). These hours will be paid-out in 5 monthly installments (the autumn semester: September-January, the spring semester: February-June). The salary is disbursed on the last working day of each month.

Please note that you will receive your pay slips in your e-Boks.

At the end of each semester, you will be regulated for the difference between the expected number of hours you were placed with at the beginning of the semester and the actual number of hours, which have been registered at the end of the semester. The deferred adjustment will then be disbursed.


Maximum number of hours
Teaching assistants are allowed to teach up to 780 working hours per academic year (the academic year runs from 1 September – 31 August).

You will be paid by contacting the course administrator of the courses you teach. Hereafter, you will receive an electronic pay form which you will need to approve. If you want your pay on the last bank day of the month you must approve it before the 5th of the current month. Alternatively, you can approve it before the 25th in the month, for payment mid the following month.

Please note that you will receive your pay slips in your e-Boks.

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 02/03/2025