Article of the Year Award for MSC scholar Oana Albu
Berlingske interview with MSC researcher Alice Pizzo about carbon taxes
PhD Defence: Sara Ravn Jespersen
Department of Management, Society and Communication
Teaching facilitation
CBS has a quite complex matrix structure. At CBS, the course coordinators and the director of each study programme decides which kind of teaching is available to you.
It is possible for you to teach at all CBS programmes – not only the ones MSC is involved in – as long as you prioritize your teaching activities at MSC's courses and you don’t exceed the allowed 700 working hours. On the CBS web you can find all study programmes at CBS and in the CBS course catalogue you can find all mandatory courses and electives offered at CBS.
Educational Development & Quality (EDQ)
Every professional teacher needs to continuously develop his/her competences to keep up with new pedagogical challenges and opportunities in order to support the learning of students as well as his/ her own teaching career.
Educational Development & Quality offers both formal qualifications as well as informal engagement in teaching and learning at CBS for teachers at every stage of their career.
On the CBS Teach site, Educational Development & Quality provides pedagogical inspiration and teaching resources. Here you can, for example:
- Explore a variety of teaching methods and tools
- Get inspiration from best practices in education
- Learn about online teaching
- Book pedagogical courses, clickers and support for video recordings
- Get in touch with the people in Educational Development & Quality
Mandatory 'Learning to Teach' course
CBS offers the course “Grundlæggende universitetspædagogik” to all external teachers (The English version is called 'Learning to teach'). The course is mandatory and you get paid for participating (15 hours). At MSC we strongly recommend that you attend the course.
Please follow this link to sign up for a course.
The CBS library is located at Solbjerg Plads. If you need information about the different services the library provides or if you want to learn the rules of copying etc., please use this link (login with your username and password). Here you can also find an application form if you want to become a new patron. MSC's contact person at the library is Liselotte Brandstrup, email: - phone: 38 15 31 15.
Exams at CBS take place in many different ways and a number of things must be considered in connection with exams. Therefore, it is very important that you always consult the study programme or the course coordinator when conducting or being involved with exams at CBS.
See Teacher Hub for rules and guides on how to plan and manage exams at CBS.
The examination
The assessment of the student is based on the course’s goals and learning objectives which can be found in the course description. Always make sure to have it during the examination.
At CBS we have the following examination forms:
- Oral exams
- Synopsis
- Mini project
- Written exams
- Take-home exams
- Case exams
- Oral defense (thesis)
The assessment is based on an overall evaluation of the student’s performance, which considers:
- The extend of fulfilling the learning objectives
- The number and the essence of the weaknesses
All grading is individual in Denmark. Even if a project and/or exam is done in a group the grade will be given for the individual performance.
At CBS, grades do not include homework performance, participation in class, or similar (however, it is possible to require passing of take-home assignments before being allowed to participate in the final exam). Only the exam paper and/or the performance in the examination room is included in the assessment.
If you need an office to prepare your teaching, you are welcome to use our shared office at Dalgas Have 15, 2V.080. However, please notice that it only has 16 work stations.
For further information and to get a keycard, please contact Tine Silfvander,
Canvas is the electronic teaching platform at CBS. Use the same login and password as for your CBS mail. You can upload teaching-related information such as semester plans, course plans and syllabi. Please follow this link to find video guides and further information about Canvas. If you have any question regarding Canvas, please contact: Camilla Falk Rønne Nissen,
See Teacher Hub for rules and guides on how to plan and manage exams at CBS.
Canvas is divided into courses. If you do not have access to your courses in Canvas, please contact the relevant course administrator to get access.
You can check the timetable of each course you teach at, by doing the following:
(For English version just click on “Click Here For English Timetables” at the bottom of the page.)
- Choose “course timetable” (in the left-hand side of the screen)
- In the “Filter” box, write some of the course name or course code and click “view timetable”.
- If several possibilities come up, choose the right one and click “view timetable”
We recommend that you choose to view only the first week of the schedule (the week in which the course starts) and then look through all the weeks by clicking “next week” in the lower right corner of the screen.
Instead of checking the timetables of each class you teach, you can compile all your courses (with time and room information) in the CBS Calendar..
Just do the following:
Access CBS Calendar via this link.
- Log in with your CBS-login
- Click on the little tool icon after “Courses” in the left side of the screen.
- Find the courses you teach (search by either course code or title) and close the box.