Inaugural Lecture by Professor MSO Sylvia von Wallpach
Brand Management in a Dynamic World: Unveiling the Delusion of Control
Relatively recent societal and technological developments have radically challenged our view on brands and branding as a managerial task. Traditional customer-focused and management oriented perspectives on brands have proved inapt of capturing brand reality as it manifests today. Instead, a collaborative, action-centric view that regards brands as fluid, dynamic, and enacted by multiple stakeholders is gaining momentum. This contemporary perspective on brands has far-reaching implications for brand research and practice, as it requires solid theoretical re-conceptualizations of formerly static brand-related concepts and a new understanding of brand management.
In her inaugural lecture, Sylvia von Wallpach will illustrate how her research contributes to the aforementioned paradigmatic shift towards a process-oriented understanding of brands. Furthermore, Sylvia will critically reflect on the notion of managerial control, questioning what the role of brand management can be in this new dynamic brand reality.
14:00-14:10 Welcome by Professor Adam Lindgreen, Head of Department
14:10-15:00 Inaugural lecture by Professor MSO Sylvia von Wallpach
15:00-16:00 Reception in Rotunden