2nd Industrial Marketing Management Summit, 23-25 January 2019
2nd Industrial Marketing Management Summit
23-25 January 2019
Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Industrial Marketing Management is the leading outlet for theoretical, empirical, and case-based research geared to the needs of marketing scholars and practitioners researching and working in industrial and business-to-business markets. As a signature feature, Industrial Marketing Management strives for a balance of theory and practical applications in all its articles. The journal’s global reach is evidenced by the fact that international scholars and practitioners from North America, Europe, Australia/New Zealand, Asia, and other regions of the globe share their latest findings for improving effectiveness and efficiency of industrial markets. This comprehensive approach has helped to keep readers abreast of the timeliest research and practice necessary for better marketing decisions and strategy in global industrial and business-to-business markets.
In 2018, together with the journal’s publisher, the co-editors-in-chiefs launched the Industrial Marketing Management Summit. The aim of the summit was to offer a platform for debating (as opposed to writing and reading) current theory and practice challenges and their solutions. We wished to establish an interactive format enabling academia to develop and discuss thought leadership thereby developing solutions for society. We now want to build on the success of the 2018 summit.
The 2nd Industrial Marketing Management Summit will take place 23-25 January 2019 at Copenhagen Business School. This summit will focus on recent advances in theory and practice within global industrial and business-to-business marketing. The summit will continue, and build upon, the proud traditions of Industrial Marketing Management and the 1st Summit.
The summit will commence 23 January 2019 with a welcome lunch at 12:00. The presentation and discussion of papers will start at 13:00 following this lunch and will continue until Friday 13:00 where we will finish the summit with a farewell lunch. There will be dinners Wednesday and Thursday evenings. We will complete the final program once it is clear which papers have been accepted.
The summit organizers welcome rigorous and thought-provoking papers that examine current and emerging topics in industrial and business-to-business marketing. Papers should examine fundamental topics in, or offer comprehensive frameworks of, industrial and business-to-business marketing:
- Literature reviews, which survey critical points in industrial and business-to-business marketing literature, should describe, summarize, and critically evaluate previous work relating to the chosen industrial and business-to-business marketing topic. Literature reviews must make a significant contribution to our understanding of industrial and business-to-business marketing by providing integrative framework(s) and/or paths for further research. Conceptual, methodological, or empirical studies, such as meta-analyses, qualitative studies, experiments, or surveys, which contribute in one of three ways, also are welcome.
- A conceptual study might improve conceptual definitions of original constructs, develop an improved theoretical rationale for existing linkages, identify and conceptually define additional constructs to include within existing conceptual frameworks, or develop theoretical linkages along with an accompanying rationale that suggest more comprehensive integrative frameworks for understanding the chosen industrial and business-to-business marketing topic.
- Methodological entries might examine changes in the design of prior studies or modifications in experimental procedures that, for example, enhance the validity of statistical conclusions or increase the experimental realism of the experiment.
- An empirical study could examine how, at a practical level, organizations deal with the complexities of a chosen industrial and business-to-business marketing topic.
All papers must have a clear industrial and business-to-business marketing focus, and papers should outline the practical implications derived from the research.
Potential authors are invited to submit their full papers, on or before 17 August 2018. Authors should adhere to the preparation rules that Industrial Marketing Management has published on its website (cf. https://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505720?generatepdf=true).
Papers submitted must not have been published or accepted for publication, and they may not be under consideration for publication anywhere else. Papers should be submitted via e-mail in a single Word file attachment to associate professor Jens Geersbro, e-mail: jg.marktg@cbs.dk. Authors should not identify themselves in the body of their papers. By 14 September 2019, potential authors will be notified about the status of their proposed paper and, when accepted, receive further information.
The summit will be informal in its form, with an emphasis on discussion on how to improve papers so that they will be ready for inclusion in a special issue of Industrial Marketing Management. After the summit, selected papers will be double-blind reviewed along the lines of the journal’s reviewing policy; and papers that have passed this double-blind reviewing process will be published in a special issue of Industrial Marketing Management.
For any questions, please contact Adam Lindgreen, e-mail: adli.marktg@cbs.dk.
See you in January 2019.
Kind regards,
Professor Adam Lindgreen, Ph.D. Co–Editor-in-Chief Copenhagen Business School, Denmark E-mail: adli.marktg@cbs.dk |
Professor Anthony Di Benedetto, Ph.D. Co–Editor-in-Chief Fox School of Business, Temple University, USA E-mail: tonyd@temple.edu |
Associate professor Jens Geersbro, Ph.D. Special Issue Editor Copenhagen Business School, Denmark E-mail: jg.marktg@cbs.dk |
Professor Dr. Thomas Ritter