Department of Marketing

PhD Graduation - Congrats to Pernille Rydén and Morten Friis-Olivarius


Friday, 23 September 2016, CBS hosted a PhD Graduation Ceremony and Knowledge Fair to celebrate PhD graduates who have been awarded their PhD degree in 2013-2016, but also to showcase their contributions to science. 

At the Department of Marketing we are proud to present our two latest PhD graduates, Pernille Rydén and Morten Friis-OlivariusPernille is now Associate Professor in Management at DTU, but also still affiliated with CBS as External Lecturer. Morten continues his career at the Department of Marketing as Post Doc.


Picture: Pernille Rydén supported by her supervisor, Professor Torsten Ringberg, and Morten Friis-Olivarius and his supervisor, Professor MSO Bo Christensen.

Congratulations to both of you!

The page was last edited by: Department of Marketing // 01/25/2024