Department of Marketing

Translated CBS research is revived in China

CBS research based on global empiricism has been translated into Chinese. Danish research is seldom translated into an Asian language, but the CBS book "Return on Strategy" is now revived on the Chinese market.


CBS research based on global empiricism has been translated into Chinese. Danish research is seldom translated into an Asian language, but the CBS book "Return on Strategy" is now revived on the Chinese market.

Research is revitalised every time it is translated into a new language. The book on company strategy, "Return on Strategy" was first published in English. Then in Danish - and now in Chinese. It is not unusual that a book is published in English before it is published in Danish in Denmark, but the Chinese translation is rather remarkable. 


Expensive Chinese editing

Birgit Vrå is head of publishing at the publishing house Samfundslitteratur. She thinks that the translation is exceptional. Only very few times has she experienced that Danish research has been translated into an Asian language.

- It is exciting news, because China is a huge interesting market. The Chinese publisher must have decided that there is a market for this book. It is very expensive to translate research. The book needs to be edited to maintain the same academic value in the new language, says Birgit Vrå.

”Return on Strategy” is written by Flemming Poulfelt, Professor, Morten Froholdt, PhD, and Michael Moesgaard Andersen, Adjunct Professor at CBS. The book is now also called 战略回报.

Global cases give research that can be applied globally

The book contributes new perspectives on strategy and introduces simple and operational models on the basis of empirical research from all over the world, including China and the company Huawei.

- ”Return on Strategy” demonstrate cases from all continents and sets new standards to how companies should perceive and implement strategies. These themes and the global empiricism make this book relevant in China. A company strategy should always be challenged. Especially in times of turbulence. This is also the case for the Chinese market, says Flemming Poulfelt.

China can learn from the crisis

The three authors of the book argue that good results often arise on the basis of radical strategies in combination with a crisis.

One of the points the authors are making is that it is possible to be innovative in a ’red ocean’, in which the competition is fierce and intensive, but it has to be done in a certain way. This book offers a model that shows how companies can do this, says Flemming Poulfelt.

The authors also confront the traditional literature on the subject and ask: how come the businesses that were once “fantastic” and “excellent” are now nothing but a shadow of their former selves – if they exist at all?

Return on Strategy

The book presents a number of practical tools, which companies may use to improve their return on strategy. It was written by Professor Flemming Poulfelt from the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, PhD Fellow Morten Froholdt from the Department of Business and Politics, and Adjunct Professor and CEO Michael Moesgaard Andersen, Andersen Advisory Group A/S. The book was published by Samfundslitteratur in 2009. It was translated into Danish in 2010 and published by L&R Business under the name "Return on Strategy - når strategi kan skabe afgørende resultater". And now it has been translated into Chinese.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/08/2012