IOA Conversation Series: Future of Organization Studies: Vibrant or Withering?

Future of Organization Studies: Vibrant or Withering? Seminar hosted by Renate Meyer and Eva Boxenbaum on April 23rd 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 13:30 to 16:00

Organization studies, at least in its traditional form, seem to be losing terrain in business schools and universities. While it may still be going fairly strong in Scandinavia, it seems to be regressing in other parts of Europe and in the U.S. Although the Academy of Management and EGOS experience continually growing memberships, it is increasingly questioned whether there is, and whether there should be, a field worthy of the name of organization studies. Some scholars are concerned that the development of organization theories is not advancing our insights into organizational phenomena (Davis 2010).

Is organization theory and research becoming outdated, empirically irrelevant, or losing its scholarly touch? Is it losing out to other fields in management research? Is there hope of renewal, and if so, in what form? We invite international and local scholars to a series of seminars hosted by the Department of Organization, to reflect on the past, the present and possible futures of organization studies.

The upcoming seminar, hosted by Renate Meyer and Eva Boxenbaum, will explore the future of organization research and feature as guest speakers Michael Lounsbury (University of Alberta), editor-in-chief of Research in the Sociology of Organizations and co-editor of Organization Studies, and Frank den Hond (Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki), upcoming editor-in-chief of Organization Studies.

For registration, please contact Ane Lindgren Hassing no later than 17th of April.

The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 11/15/2021