New Sites in Organization Studies

This seminar series, jointly hosted by IOA and MPP, brings new and neglected phenomena to the attention of the field of organization studies

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - 10:00 to 12:00

It is grounded as a response to recent editions of the journal Organization Studies (notably 'The dark side of organization', Linstead et al. 2014; 'New sights/sites: Exploring the white spaces of organization', O’Doherty et al. 2013) and is connected to the journal's new section 'X and Organisation Studies'. This section has three related roles. First to encourage a more essayistic style of writing, approachable to readers beyond as well as within the field. Second, to consider hitherto overlooked phenomena, or those considered too elusive or difficult to research. Third, to broach the edges of the field, allowing different conversations in, and informing conversations beyond.

Habit and Organization Studies by Sara Louise Muhr and Michael Pedersen

Boredom and Organization Studies by Rasmus Johnsen

Robin Holt, Professor at Liverpool University, will act as respondent for the presentation. Robin is a fellow of the European Haniel Program on Entrepreneurship and the Humanities at CBS

Camilla Sløk, Associate Professor at IOA, will act as respondent for the presentation

Contact: Morten Rishede Philipsen,

The page was last edited by: Department of Organization // 06/13/2018