Seminar - Waste: Object of Management, Valuation and Sustainability

Research seminar with Hervé Corvellec, Professor of Business Administration in the Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Lund University, Sweden

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 - 13:00 to 15:00


Waste: Object of Management, Valuation and Sustainability

Waste is the new Eldorado. Incineration is to contribute to a domestic production of energy. Recycling is to meet the challenge of peak everything. Food waste is to generate bio-fertilizers and bio-fuels that enable a sustainable food production and transportation by cars and buses. And waste prevention is to prompt truly sustainable modes of consumption.

Waste is therefore a multisided topic of interest for management and organization scholars. It provides opportunities to enquire about: the social life of materials after the moment of consumption; how stuff can go from zero or even negative value to covetable objects of competition; and why sustainability requires a renewal of practices of energy and material throughput.

Waste has come out the dark isolation of dustbins and landfills. It is now begging for being organized.


Hervé Corvellec is Professor of Business Administration in the Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Lund University, Sweden. His field of research is organization theory, with a research focus on risk, business ethics and infrastructure services (for example, power supply, public transportation, waste management). He often works with narrative and argumentation analysis. He recently edited What is Theory? Answers from the Social and Cultural Science (2013). His articles on waste have been published in the Marketing Theory, the Journal of Cleaner Production, Environment and Planning A, Waste Management, Waste Management and Research, and the Journal of Organizational Change Management.


Current research projects on waste: &

Please register at no later than Sunday the 10th of November. Please mention the title of the seminar in the subject of your email.


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