Department of Management, Society and Communication

Corona-related research at MSC


Photo: Shutterstock from CBS News

(Read about other Corona-related
research at CBS, click on the photo)

The crisis that has hit the world as a consequence of the new Corona virus is felt in many different areas and with different implications.


This  is reflected on the academic level at MSC by a number of new research projects and publications, related to various aspects of the crisis and in different parts of the world. Below are some examples of the MSC corona-related research.


In some cases, new projects have been (or will soon be)  initiated to investigate aspects of the crisis, such as:

Our Relationship with Food during the Covid-19 pandemic
Our Relationship with Food during the Covid-19 pandemic, initiated by MSC researcher Meike Janssen together with Jeremy Millard from the Danish Technological Institute and partners from Germany, Italy and Belgium. The project seeks to analyse how individuals, households, localities and countries are changing their behaviour and attitudes to food, and how this might be associated with their personal perceptions of the risks the Covid-19 pandemic brings. Contact: Meike Janssen, .
CoronaCookingSurvey, a joint project by MSC researchers Lucia Reisch, Meike Janssen and Efthymios Altsitsiadis and Aarhus University in collaboration with the University of Antwerp. The project investigates the information sources about food and cooking that consumers draw upon, and how this might influence the way they eat, cook and buy food during the pandemic. Contact: Meike Janssen,
SAFEHOUSE - Digital understøttelse af COVID-19 risikogrupper
SAFEHOUSE - Digital understøttelse af COVID-19 risikogrupper (scroll down for description) is conducted by CBS researchers and project partners from Region Zealand, Odsherred municipality, and Lungeforeningen (Lung Society). The project offers digital health and social network solutions to high risk groups in a new organizational setup. CBS looks at the processes and performance of the new and innovative partnership model. The project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. Contact: Esben Rahbek Gjerdrum Pedersen,
COVIDWISE - Addressing COVID Challenges through Temporary Social Enterprises
COVIDWISE - Addressing COVID Challenges through Temporary Social Enterprises, conducted by MSC researcher Kai Hockerts (and funded by Innovation Fund Denmark). The aim of the project is to analyse various societal needs, brought on by the COVID-19 crisis, and subsequently to identify the possibilities for temporary entrepreneurship to address these needs. Thus the project aims to produce tools enabling a systematic analysis of COVID-19 related societal problems, identify temporary entrepreneurial solutions and develop successful business models. Read more about the project here. Contact: Kai Hockerts,
How COVID-19 will affect people’s attitudes and behaviours about travelling in the near future
How COVID-19 will affect people’s attitudes and behaviours about travelling in the near future, a projected survey being launched by MSC researcher Fumiko Kano Glückstad in collaboration with the Danish tourism industry and culture institutions as well as public health and data science researchers from University of Southern Denmark. The project aims to collect data from 4000 individuals in four selected countries, investigating how the negative sentiment of travelling caused by COVID-19 will affect different types of consumer segments. Ultimately the project aims to contribute with knowledge that addresses not only the short-term recovery of the tourism industry, but also how the industry should prepare for the potential spread of infectious diseases in the future. Contact: Fumiko Kano Glückstad,

In other cases, research on crisis-related topics are carried out in connection with already existing projects:


"Early Impacts of Coronavirus on Bangladesh Apparel Supply Chains"
‘Early Impacts of Coronavirus on Bangladesh Apparel Supply Chains’, a report on the effects of the coronavirus in the Bangladesh apparel industry and its 4+ million workers, published by the team behind the RISC project (The Regulation of International Supply Chains - funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Read more about the research and the RISC project here. Contact: Erin Leitheiser,
“Frontline Innovation in Times of Crisis: Learning from the Corona Virus Pandemic”
“Frontline Innovation in Times of Crisis: Learning from the Corona Virus Pandemic”, an article about how frontline innovation is affected by the current crisis and how to access the accumulated experience in this context, written by MSC researchers Mia Koss Hartmann and Rasmus Koss Hartmann. The article is based on a current research project about frontline innovation in police and military organisations, funded by the Carlsberg Foundation. Read about the project in Danish here and in English here. Contact: Mia Koss Hartmann,
“Commodifying COVID: consumption as compassion in a global pandemic”
“Commodifying COVID: consumption as compassion in a global pandemic”, work-in-progress tracking how businesses are talking about their response to the crisis in the marketing communications (press releases, social media accounts, online advertisements) and what types of help they claim to be able to offer. The work is conducted by MSC researchers Maha Rafi Atal and Lisa Ann Richey as part of their work on the project Commodifying Compassion: Implications of Turning People and Humanitarian Causes into Marketable Things, funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research. Contact: Maha Rafi Atal,

In late August, the early findings of the 'Commodifying Covid' project were reported in Forbes, in the article, ‘Lessons From The Early Days Of “Covid-Branding”’, by David Hesselkiel.
“South-South Humanitarianism: The Case of Covid-Organics in Tanzania”
“South-South Humanitarianism: The Case of Covid-Organics in Tanzania”, work-in-progress by MSC researchers Lisa Ann Richey and Pernille Bærendtsen, conducted as part of the research project Everyday Humanitarianism in Tanzania (funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs).  Based on the exemplary case of the gift of so-called Covid-Organics (a herbal remedy) from Madagascar’s President to Tanzania, the study explores the Tanzanian policy response to COVID-19 and the nature of South-South humanitarian assistance in times of crisis. Contact: Lisa Ann Richey,
“Organizing Openness in (Response to) Grand Challenges: The Case of the Medicines Patent Pool“
“Organizing Openness in (Response to) Grand Challenges: The Case of the Medicines Patent Pool“, work-in-progress investigating how organizations constitute openness as a collaborative response to grand challenges. The study is conducted by visiting PhD student Milena Leybold (University of Innsbruck) in collaboration with Leonhard Dobusch (also University of Innsbruck) as part of Milena’s PhD project, „A communication perspective on organizing openness and the openness of organizing“. Contact: Milena Leybold,
“The impact of Covid-19 on the creative industries in Ghana”
“The impact of Covid-19 on the creative industries in Ghana”, a study exploring the impact of Covid-19 on the creative industries in Ghana focusing on the film and theater industries in three cities in Ghana (Accra, Kumasi and Tamale). The study is conducted by MSC researchers Ana Alacovska, Thilde Langevang and Robin Steedman as part of the larger project Advancing Creative Industries for Development in Ghana, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Contact: Robin Steedman:
Visit also the BOS (Business of Society) blog hosted by CBS Sustainability. The blog is featuring a large number of Corona related posts, many of them written by MSC researchers: the BOS blog.


The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 10/08/2020