Department of Management, Society and Communication

Corona-related research at MSC


Photo: Shutterstock from CBS News

(Read about other Corona-related
research at CBS, click on the photo)

The crisis that has hit the world as a consequence of the new Corona virus is felt in many different areas and with different implications.


This  is reflected on the academic level at MSC by a number of new research projects and publications, related to various aspects of the crisis and in different parts of the world. Below are some examples of the MSC corona-related research.


In some cases, new projects have been (or will soon be)  initiated to investigate aspects of the crisis, such as:

In other cases, research on crisis-related topics are carried out in connection with already existing projects:


Visit also the BOS (Business of Society) blog hosted by CBS Sustainability. The blog is featuring a large number of Corona related posts, many of them written by MSC researchers: the BOS blog.


The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 10/08/2020