Business Communication: Marrying Numbers and Narratives

Sound business communication integrates numbers and narratives. When it comes to making decisions both numbers and narratives are essential elements but how do businesses bridge the gap between them? And what are the implications for scholars in the field when dealing with calculative and narrative modes of thinking?

Wednesday, December 7, 2016 - 14:00 to 15:30

Invitation to seminar

IBC invites colleagues at CBS and others with an interest in the theme to a moderated dialogue, where different scholars will discuss the challenges they face when dealing with the complex relationship between numbers and narratives in organizations and markets.

We hope that you will join this opportunity to advance our understanding of the interplay between numbers and narratives in business communication.

All are welcome.

Organized and sponsored by the Academic Area Communication in Organizations

Further information about the event: Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio, .


14.00       Welcome and Introduction

  • Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio, Associate Professor, Department of International Business Communication, CBS

14.15       Panel Discussion

  • Peter Svensson, Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, Lund University
  • Asgeir B. Torfason, Assistant Professor, School of Business, University of Iceland
  • Aseem Kinra, Associate Professor, Department of Operations Management, CBS
  • Chris Zimmerman, Ph.D. Fellow, Department of Digitalization, CBS

14.45       Q&A

  • Moderated by Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio

15.00       Thank you and socializing

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 12/17/2017