Change Communications - what are the essentials for every communication professional?
Klavs Valskov, Change communications - what are the essentials for every communication professional?
Consistently, communication leaders list internal communication as one of their biggest headaches. Employee communications in general and change communications in particular provide an opportunity to demonstrate true business value when professionals apply their skills adequately.
Based on many years’ of hands on experience, including being Global Director of Communication for Maersk Line from 2008-2013, Klavs Valskov has co-developed a simple model for change communication. He argues that by asking just a few basic questions a communication leader can get to the strategic heart of any change programme. Rather than be relegated to the position of tactician, the communication director can assume the role of agent provocateur; challenging senior peers to think more deeply about their business and the transformation they wish to achieve. During the session Klavs will touch on:
- Why is change such an important opportunity for the communications function
- How we often get it wrong
- Driving awareness – the main channels
- Creating understanding – engaging through managers
- Building excitement – the importance of emotion
- Remembering our role in calling out bad ideas and failed initiatives
- Keeping the momentum up
- The importance of data
And of course use examples from his past experience with Maersk and other organisations that he has worked with. Klavs is the co-author of the recently published Internal Communication: a manual for practitioners and have led change in major organisations around the world in shipping, oil, logistics, government, healthcare, manufacturing and education.
All are welcome, no registration.
Further information: Margrethe Mondahl,, the MA IBC programme Multicultural Communication in Organizations