Danish IGF 2013 (Internet Governance Forum)

The yearly event "Dansk IGF" takes place on the 26 of September. The forum is this year gathered with focus on innovation and economic growth

Thursday, September 26, 2013 - 09:30 to 13:00

Danish IGF is a forum for free and open dabate on topics related to the future of the Internet.

The conference is organised by the Ministry of Business and Growth and caters to all with an interest in the Internet.

You are invited to participate in Danish IGF 2013 at:

Copenhagen Businiss School
Porcelænshaven 20
2000 Frederiksberg

Thursday 26 September, 09:30 - 13:00.

For registration please visit: www.erhvervsstyrelsen.dk/internettetsfremtid

Contact: Associate professor Mikkel Flyverbom, mfl.ikl@cbs.dk, Department of Intercultual Communication and Management





The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 10/20/2021