We have invited stakeholders from the public and private sectors and he civil society – and hereby kindly invite you as #CITYzens who would like to work actively in such a solution-oriented laboratory. Come and share your ideas and visions with managers and administrators from the public (local and regional) and private sector (companies, entrepreneurs, start ups) with urban planners, architects, politicians, people from various initiatives and NGOs, grassroots, cyclists, pedestrians, polar swimmers, sportsmen and -women, sick and healthy people, Danish and others, young and old ... In short,come 2gether with all #CITYzens and CITYlovers and CITYafinados. In short, work together with all the #CITYzens who enjoy living in the city connoisseurs and who have desires, needs and ideas for a life in a "Healthy City" in terms of physical and mental health, environment, culture, community and enjoyment.
#SundBySundhed is the first of the series of #LivingCityLabs, which we organize to support the building of networks of the many initiatives and actions, that are aiming at develop the #FutureCity. Instead of engaging in endless debates, in the #LivingCityLabs with the entire city as laboratory, we shall work with specific challenges aiming at finding suggestions, how we can l solve them.