Panel discussion with Professor David Boje, Professor Barbara Czarniawska and Professor Yiannis Gabriel
Narrative Approaches for
Organizational and Communication Research
Panel discussion with Professor David Boje, Velux Visiting Professor at IBC, Professor Barbara Czarniawska and Professor Yiannis Gabriel
Three prominent scholars within the field of organizational narrative research are visiting CBS in May in relation to a PhD course on Narrative Approaches for Organizational and Communication Research. We take this opportunity to invite a broader audience to a panel discussion with them about both similarities and differences in their approaches to narrative and story as part of the fabric and life of organizations.
The narrative turn in organizational and communication research has raised a number of complex questions about the nature of narrative knowledge, how it might be employed to address organizational and communication research questions and how to analyze the orality, textuality and materiality of stories in organizations. We will touch on some of these issues in the panel discussion.
15.30 – 15.40 |
15.40 – 16.40 |
16.40 – 17.10 |
17.10 – 17.30 |
Further information about the event: Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio, and Anne-Marie Søderberg,
All are welcome and no registration is needed.
David M. Boje is Velux Visiting Professor at IBC and Wells Fargo Professor, Distinguished University Professor, and Bill Daniels Ethics Fellow in the Management Department at New Mexico State University, USA. Boje is internationally recognized for his work in the areas of narrative, storytelling, postmodern theory & critical ethics of answerability. His speciality is storytelling using qualitative methods.
Barbara Czarniawska holds a Chair in Management Studies at GRI, School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg, Sweden. In her studies Czarniawska applies a constructivist perspective on organizing. Her methodological interests concern fieldwork techniques and the narrative approach in social science studies. She is an internationally recognized scholar within organization studies and a doctor honoris causa at Copenhagen Business School, Helsinki School of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics and a member of the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences.
Yiannis Gabriel is Professor of Organizational Theory at the School of Management at Bath University. Gabriel is known for his work in leadership, management learning, organizational storytelling and narratives, psychoanalytic studies of work, and the culture and politics of contemporary consumption. Yiannis is co-founder of the Organizational Storytelling Seminar series, now in its fifteenth year (see
Organized by the Department of International Business Communication and the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management