Rethink Media - ComCaseCompetition '14 kickoff meeting
Wednesday, November 27, 2013 - 16:00 to 18:30
Dansk Kommunikations Forening / ComCaseCompetition are having a Kick-off meeting
November the 27th 2013
Egmont, Vognmagergade 11, 1148 Copenhagen
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Egmont serves coffee and cake
The kick-off meeting is free of charge for students. Members of DKF are charged with DKK 200. Non.members DKK 450.
The kickoff meeting will provide inspiration and insight into ComCaseCompetition’14 – the leading case competition for graduate students within the field of communication.
Moderator: Anders Monrad Rendtorff, Senior Vice President, People & Communication, Coloplast
You will meet
- YUN MI ANTORINI, Community Strategist, the LEGO Group talks about new value creation perspectives in the context of global user communities.
- MIKA BILDSØE LASSEN, Vice President of Corporate Communications, Egmont, introduces the challenges of building a corporate brand proposition in a digital world of interaction, involvement and dialogue.
- TINA DONNERBORG, Chairman of the Danish Association of Communication Professionals, will present the frame of the game of ComCaseCompetition and introduce the objectives of the competition.
- ALEX BERGER and CHRISTINA VOGELIUS, two of last year’s winners of ComCaseCompetion, share their views on what it takes to participate, what you will gain, and how to make it to the finals – and win the competition.
- KARL-HEINZ POGNER, Associate Professor, Ph.D., Academic Program Director of B.Sc. and M.SC. in Business Administration and Organizational Communication. Karl-Heinz will introduce the jury and the evaluation criteria
- SØREN BRIX, Chairman of Young Communicators, introduces all the ‘needs to know’ before enrolling and offer practical information about the ComCaseCompetion’14.
The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 10/20/2021