Seminar: "The meeting between national cultures and corporate cultures: The case of a global Company"
Philippe d’Iribarne will talk on “The meeting between national cultures and corporate cultures: The case of a global company. "
Philippe d’Iribarne is one of the plenary speakers at EGOS in Montreal this year in July. He adopts a distinctive in-depth ethnographic approach to organizational dynamics in specific regional or national contexts. His publications include research on organizational contexts in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
With his numerous books and about 100 articles and chapters in French, English, German, Chinese, Swedish, Arabic, Dutch, Vietnamese and Japanese, Philippe d’Iribarne is one of the ‘grand old men’ in the research on organizations, management and culture.
In his latest book, Managing Corporate Values in Diverse National Cultures, The Challenge of Differences (Routledge, 2012), he explores how a multinational firm, Lafarge, adapts its organizational culture to organizational contexts in China, the United States and Jordan.
Philippe d’Iribarne is Managing Director of Gestion et Société (Management and Society), at CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) in Paris, France.