Start-up for a new cluster on Diversity & DIfference

Interested in joining a new CBS Public-Private Platform Cluster on Diversity and Difference ?

Friday, September 25, 2015 - 12:00 to 13:00

New Cluster on Diversity & Difference

Public-Private Platform ClusterThe CBS Public-Private Platform is exploring the possibility of forming a new thematic cluster on Diversity & Difference.

On September 25th, 2015 at 12 o’clock

we are inviting all CBS researches already working on or interested in
this area to join us for an idea-generating startup meeting.

Like other PPP clusters, Diversity & Difference will function as a ‘shared space’ for research, teaching and dissemination of activities related to questions of diversity and difference, equality and inclusion, in business and society. Historically, questions of diversity in the workplace have developed at the intersection of public and private concerns. Initially, diversity issues were voiced as public concerns and handled as such through, for example, anti-discrimination laws. A private discourse of diversity as a business case was, however, quickly adopted. More recently, a discussion of diversity as a question of negotiating public and private identities has also emerged; that is, as a matter of how one’s private identity is brought into the public domain of the organization. On this basis, an interesting debate has evolved around the intersections of diverse identities, minority rights and organizational interests and has become just as much a matter of identity, belongingness and societal expectations as of inclusion and equality.

At CBS, diversity and difference research situated at these various public-private intersections has been carried out for a number of years in collaboration with public as well as to private companies, such as Copenhagen municipality, the Danish army, ISS, and Maersk to just mention a few. The aim of this start-up meeting is to initiate a discussion of how to develop, expand and formalize the agenda of the Diversity and Difference research at CBS. Sine N. Just, Sara Louise Muhr and Annette Risberg, the cluster facilitators, will present their thoughts on this matter and afterwards a structured dialogue will take place. The session will be informal and offer an opportunity to explore themes of possible common interest and discuss how we might further collective research, teaching or engagement activities within the cluster.

The Public-Private Platform’s academic directors Carsten Greve and Paul du Gay will attend the meeting to help answer any questions or queries you might have, to indicate what assistance (financial, organizational, logistical) the platform can offer and to update you on the requirements and expectations that comes along with being part of a platform cluster.

To sign up or questions

To sign up or if you have any questions please email the Public-Private Platform at

Please share this invitation with relevant CBS researchers.

We look forward to seeing you!



The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 10/20/2021