The Rise of the New Hero: Symbolic Constructions of Social Entrepreneurship Narratives

Monday 15 June 2015 Catarina Pessanha Gomes will give her first WIP seminar with the title: The Rise of the New Hero: Symbolic Constructions of Social Entrepreneurship Narratives

Monday, June 15, 2015 - 10:00 to 12:00

Monday 15 June 2015 Catarina Pessanha Gomes will give her first WIP seminar with the title:

The Rise of the New Hero: Symbolic Constructions of Social Entrepreneurship Narratives.

The seminar takes place from 10 – 12  in Porcelænshaven 18A, room PH0.140 (‘The Aquarium’)



Professor with special responsibilities Ester Barinaga, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS

Associate Professor Steen Vallentin, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS



Professor Dennis Schoeneborn (temporary), Department of Intercultural Communication and Management, CBS

Professor Mitchell Dean, Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS


If you would like a copy of the paper to be presented, please e-mail Catarina ( )

The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 02/28/2017