MSC scholar Juliane Lang gains her PhD degree

Juliane Lang

Juliane Lang successfully defended her PhD titled ‘Win-win for whom? Power and Inequality in the Chilean wine and farmed salmon value chains’ on 16 September.


Her thesis examines how power shapes different dimensions of inequality in the Chilean wine and farmed salmon value chains. It shows how three mechanisms are key in explaining value (re)distribution in contemporary global agrifood value chains: intangible assets, sustainability governance and dis/associations with place(s).


Juliane’s PhD research builds on extensive fieldwork carried out in 2022 in the Southern and Central regions of Chile, where she conducted interviews with key stakeholders in Spanish, and participated in

several industry events in the two major export industries of wine and farmed salmon. Her thesis received much praise and constructive feedback by the examination committee: Liam Campling, Queen Mary University, London; Martin Hess, University of Manchester; and Eleni Tsingou, CBS.


The PhD project was part of a larger research project on Power and Inequality in Global Production Systems (PIPS) funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark, and was supervised by Stefano Ponte (CBS) and Simon Bush (Wageningen University).


The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 10/10/2024