About CBS


CBS Library is university library for Copenhagen Business School and is open to the public – every day of the week.



Email: library@cbs.dk
Tel.: +4538154242


CBS Bibliotek
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg

Library Director
René Steffensen
Email: rs.lib@cbs.dk

CBS Library Solbjerg Plads

Quality sources

CBS Library offers a wide variety of high-quality resources and we are working hard every day to make it easy for you to find what you need expect the service portfolio will meet your needs for information and knowhow.

Learning and information literacy

Identifying relevant information is a valuable competence. For this reason and in close cooperation with CBS study programs and departments the library helps students and faculty become information literate and they are always ready to help and guide you.

Active in promoting CBS

CBS Library collects and disseminates CBS research to make it easy for you to find an expert at CBS, identify the most recent research results, and gain insight into CBS operations.


CBS library mission

The main objective of the CBS Library is to support research and teaching activities undertaken at CBS by making all relevant, published information easily and quickly available to staff and students.

In addition, the Library is a public library and part of the national library system, and in that capacity, it is obliged to serve the public and the business community.

In its academic scope, the Library focuses on the areas that are relevant to the institution, particularly business economics/administration and business languages.


CBS Library organisation
CBS Library strategy

Visit the library homepage

The page was last edited by: CBS Library // 01/14/2025