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Childcare and School

There are different options for schooling and daycare in the Copenhagen area. On this site you can read more about childcare and school in Denmark.


Most children in Denmark are enrolled in a daycare programme before they begin primary school. Children aged 0-3 go to nurseries and children aged 3-6 go to kindergarten. Children in Denmark start primary school the year they turn 6 years old.

All daycare institutions in Denmark have educated staff taking care of the children. Besides, all daycare institutions in Denmark are obliged by law to carry out an educational curriculum. It means that all institutions have activities which strengthens the children's social and language competences among other things.



In Denmark, education is mandatory for children aged 6-16. Education is free at state or public schools (Folkeskole). It is also possible for your child to attend private schools, which costs a monthly fee. Children typically begin school in August the year they turn six years old.

The primary and lower secondary education consists of a one-year pre-schooll class, nine years of primary and lower secondary education and an optional tenth form. Following primary school, which is completed at the age of 16 or 17, many Danish students proceed to some form of upper secondary education.





The page was last edited by: HR // 01/14/2025

HR International Support

HR International Support

HR Services
Copenhagen Business School
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2000 Frederiksberg

Email: i-staff.hr@cbs.dk

Useful links about childcare and schools