About CBS



As an acedemic staff member at CBS you are covered by a mandatory pension scheme. CBS pays a total pension contribution equal to currently 17.1% of your pensionable salary.

Besides saving up for your old-age pension, you will also be covered by a built-in insurance scheme that covers you, and in some cases your family, for disability and a life insurance. The insurance coverage in relation to the ordinary and §53a pension contribution is flexible and can be arranged in a way that matches exactly your situation.

Your pension fund will depend on your educational background and details of the relevant pension fund will be included in your letter of employment.

For further information about the insurance coverage, and if you wish to take out the pension amount when leaving Denmark, you must contact your pension fund. Please find the name of your pension fund in your letter of employment. If you already have a CPR number, you can also check your e-boks for letters from the pension fund to find the contact details. Please note that it is only possible to have your pension savings paid out if you leave Denmark and do not work at CBS anymore (or in special circumstances if the pension amount is very low).

Three different options for internationals

As an international researcher employed at CBS, you can choose between three different pension schemes - please read below.

When you recieve your employment offer and letter of employment from CBS, you will see that CBS has placed you on the pension scheme we consider most appropriate for you. If you wish to have a different pension scheme, please contact HR International Support.


The page was last edited by: HR // 01/14/2025

HR International Support

HR International Support

HR Services
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg

Email: i-staff.hr@cbs.dk