If you will be staying in Denmark for more than 3 months, you will need to register with the Citizen Service upon arrival in Denmark to get a Civil Registration Number (CPR number) and MitID. The Danish CPR number is used when dealing with public authorities, health authorities, libraries, banks, etc.
When you have registered for your CPR number, you will receive your yellow health insurance card in your mailbox after 2-3 weeks.
MitID is a common secure login on the internet to use for online banking, to change your address with public authorities or recieving mail from the authories among many other things.
The steps you need to take to register for your CPR number and MitID depend on your nationality.
Read more on how to register in Denmark.
Once you have your Civil Registration Number (CPR number) and yellow health insurance card, you can open a Danish bank account.
You will need to register for a Danish bank account within 90 days after arrival. The process may take several weeks.
Read more about how to open a bank account.
When you have your Civil Registration Number (CPR number) and MitID, you can log on to your Digital Post.
Digital Post is a platform that gives you access to mail from the public authorities. You will automatically be registered for Digital Post when you register with Citizen Service for your Civil Registration Number (CPR number).
It is important that you check your Digital Post, so you don't miss important mail from the public authorities. The mail you receive in Digital Post may be letters from the hospital, pension statements, changes to housing benefits, replies to applications for childcare, letters from the Danish Tax and Customs Administration and your salary statement from CBS.
Read more about Digital Post.
If you take up residence in Denmark and bring a vehicle, it is recuired by law that you register your foreign registered vehicle within 30 days of arrival and pay a registration tax. The expenses in relation to bringing your car to Denmark are considerable, and for this reason many people choose not to bring their car with them to Denmark.
Can I drive in Denmark without registering my car?If you are staying in Denmark for a limited period of up to 185 days, you may drive a foreign registered vehicle during your stay without paying the registration tax.
If your stay exceeds 185 days, but you are on a fixed-term assignment in Denmark, you may pay a portion of the normal vehicle registration tax on a quarterly basis.
Read more about foreign vehicles and how to register your car.
Liability insuranceIf you own a motor vehicle in Denmark, you are required by law to take out liability insurance on the vehicle.
Read more about liability insurance for motor vehicles.
In Denmark, insurance against unemployment is voluntary. If you want to be insured against unemployment, you must apply for admission into an unemployment insurance fund (a-kasse).
However, please read more about
unemployment insurance and benefits. Especially non-EU citizens may have difficulty in using the unemployment insurance system, as you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits.
Driving licenses issued in a non-EU/EEA countryWhen relocating to Denmark with a non-EU/EEA driver's license, you may be required to exchange your license for a Danish equivalent within 90 days and complete a driving test (consisting of a theoretical and practical part) prior to the exchange. It depends on where your driving license was issued whether you need to change the license or not.
Driving licenses issued in an EU/EEA countryYou do not need to convert a driver's license issued in an EU country, Iceland, Lichtenstein or Norway.
Where and how to exchange your driving licenseYou can obtain a Danish driving license at your local Citizen Service (Borgerservice).
You must bring along a number of documents. If your current license is not in the Latin alphabet, you must present a certified translation of the license. If you have any questions, or need to find a certified translater, contact your local Citizen Service for help.
For more details on the process of exchanging your license see
LifeinDenmark or
When you have a Civil Registration Number (CPR number), you can take out Danish private insurance. While most vital services are covered by the public healthcare system in Denmark, most Danes also take out private liability, home contents, accident, and travel insurance. In addition to these, it is mandatory by law to have a third party insurence if you own a car.
Read more about insurance.
When you have a Civil Registration Number (CPR number), you can sign up to learn Danish.
You can take Danish language courses through the municipality or you can choose other ways to learn Danish. It is free to take Danish courses through the municipality, you can also find other ways to take free Danish classes.
Read more about
Danish language courses and see
Københavns Kommune for more information.
In Denmark, there is a partial charge for dental care. You have to pay for check-ups and treatment, but part of the bill is government funded. This amount is automatically deducted from your bill. You are free to choose any dentist.
Children and young people below 18 years of age are entitled to free dental treatment.
ChildcareThe vast majority of children under the age of 6 are looked after by a childminder or a nursery from Monday to Friday. It is the task of the municipal authorities to provide day care facilities, and the options vary from municipality to municipality. It is your job to contact the municipal authorities to book a daycare spot for your child. In order to sign up for childcare, you need a Civil Registration Number (CPR number) for your child and an address in Denmark.
Read more about childcare.
Primary and lower secondary educationIn Denmark, education is mandatory for children aged 6-16. Education is free at state or public schools (Folkeskole). It is also possible for your child to attend private schools (including international schools), which cost a monthly fee. Most children begin school in August the year they turn 6 years old. You must digitally enroll your child as a student at a municipal primary and lower secondary school.
Read more about
school and
enrollment to start school on LifeinDenmark.