About CBS

Facts and Figures

CBS in totals

Key figures 2024

Student population      20,672
International students 3,693
PhD students 192
Full-time academic staff (VIP) FTE 699
Part-time academic staff (DVIP) FTE 205
Administrative staff (TAP) FTE 738
Cooperation agreements worldwide 287

Key figures 2023

Student population       20,188
International students 3,177
PhD students 192
Full-time academic staff (VIP) headcount 805
Part-time academic staff (DVIP) headcount 813
Administrative staff (TAP) headcount 712
Cooperation agreements worldwide 289

Key figures 2022

Student population          20,843
International students 3,673
PhD students 199
Full-time academic staff (VIP) headcount


Part-time academic staff (DVIP) headcount 754
Administrative staff (TAP) headcount 710
Cooperation agreements worldwide 291
The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 05/02/2024