About CBS

Privacy and cookies


  1. Data manager
  2. Why do we process personal data?
  3. Personal data categories
  4. Basis for processing personal data
  5. Storing personal data
  6. What is a cookie?
  7. How to delete or block cookies
  8. What are cookies used for on cbs.dk?
  9. Why is Copenhagen Business School providing information on this?
  10. Contact regarding personal data
  11. Your rights

1. Data manager
This website is owned by:
Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3
2000 Frederiksberg
Telephone: 3815 3815
Email: cbs@cbs.dk

2. Why do we process personal data?
When you visit cbs.dk, we use your personal data for the following purposes:
1.    The website is shown correctly
2.    Optimisation and improvement of the website based on user behaviour
3.    If you have given consent to receiving newsletters or other information you will receive the newsletters and the information you have consented to.

3. Personal data categories
When you visit cbs.dk, CBS will process the following categories of personal information:
1.    Name, address, email
2.    IP adresses

4. Basis for processing personal data
The basis for processing personal data collected at cbs.dk is your consent. You are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. Read more under “Your rights” below.

5. Storing personal data
Information collected on the basis of your consent will be stored until withdrawn. Collected information solely related to the presentation of cbs.dk will be deleted when you leave the website.

6. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer or other device so it can be recognised. No personal data are stored in our cookies, and they cannot contain virus.

7. How to delete or block cookies
Instructions on how to delete cookies in Microsoft Internet Explorer
Instructions on how to delete cookies in Mozilla Firefox browser
Instructions on how to delete cookies in Google Chrome browser
Instructions on how to delete cookies in Opera browser
Instructions on how to delete cookies in Safari browser
Instructions on how to delete flash cookies (applies to all browsers)
Instructions on how to delete cookies on iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
Instructions on how to delete cookies on Android phones
Instructions on how to delete cookies from Windows Phone 7

8. What are cookies used for on cbs.dk?

  1. Technical functionality to help us remember your preferences, e.g. whether you have accepted cookies or not.
  2. Traffic monitoring and statistics, which we primarily use for improving website content and navigation. We use our own cookies and Google Analytics. We only register anonymous information, and we are not interested in how you use our website specifically. We are solely interested in overall behavioural patterns, such as how many people visit a specific page in a specific period. where traffic comes from, what type of unit is used, etc.
  3. Behavioural-based and individually targeted advertising on other websites.  Her bruger vi bl.a. Facebook, LinkedIn og AdWords.
  4. We also use third-party services, such as Google and Hotjar. Third party may receive information such as which browser you use, IP-address and the pages you visit on cbs.dk. Are you logged into Google, while you visit cbs.dk, these data can be linked to your profile on this service.  This is outside CBS’ control and is thus a matter between you and third party.

9. Why is Copenhagen Business School providing information on this?
Cookies are used to collect information on Internet user behaviour. Although this is most often done to give the user a better experience or out of technical necessity to use a solution, the user should be informed that the cookie is set and have the opportunity to avoid that it happens again.

All Danish websites are obligated to inform users which cookies are set on the end user's computer equipment. This information must be pursuant to the "Danish executive order on demands for information and consent in storing or access to information in computer equipment", which is part of an EU directive on the protection of privacy in electronic communications.

The executive order can be found at retsinformation.dk

10. Contact concerning personal data
If you have any questions about the processing of your personal data or your rights pursuant with the General Data Processing Regulation, please contact dpo@cbs.dk.

11. Your rights
To the extent that personal data about you are processed, you have the right to be informed of which personal data can traced to you. If it turns out that the personal data we process about you is false or misleading, you have the right to demand such information rectified. If any disagreement whether personal data is correct should occur, you are entitled to block the processing of your data, until the disagreement has been solved.

You are also entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. This will not affect the data we have already processed before your withdrawal of  consent, but it means that CBS is not allowed to process your data after that. If you have withdrawn your consent, you are entitled to demand the personal data that CBS is processing about you based on your consent deleted.

You are also entitled to receive the personal data that CBS is processing about you ased on your consent in a structured form and in a generally used and legible format. You are entitled to demand that CBS transfers personal data to another data manager.

You have the right to file a complaint about the processing of information and data relating to you. Complaints should be submitted to the Data Protection Agency:
Borgergade 28, 5.
1300 København K

These conditions were last updated on 24 May 2018.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 11/15/2021