In Denmark, unemployment insurance is voluntary. If you wish to be insured against unemployment, you must apply for admission to an unemployment insurance fund (A-kasse).
A-kasser are semi-public entities built on the principles of solidarity contributions and they are not affiliated with private insurance companies.
Due to the "availability requirement" of being eligible for unemployment benefits (dagpenge), a
membership to an a-kasse may only be relevant if you are an EU-citizen. The "availability requirement" means that you, in case of unemployment, must be able to accept any job with one days' notice, and this may not be possible for non-EU citizens who may have a limited work-permit (e.g. limited to a specific job/field etc.).
For EU-citizens the main principle is that you must be insured against unemployment in the EU-country where you work. This is stated in the
EU social security coordination. These rules also state that as an EU-citizen, you can transfer aquired rights (periods of being insured, work/income or residence) from your native EU country to the Danish A-kasse or from a Danish A-kasse to a foreign one. Read more about
how to transfer rights and the requirements. If you are a cross-border worker, a posted worker or you work in more than one EU-country at the same time, we suggest that you read this article:
Are you comprised by the Danish social security rules?Membership and requirementsCheck the different options and find links for online signup forms at
The eligibility requirements for benefits are:
- You must have been a member of an a-kasse for at least one year.
- You must have earned/had an income of at leasst DKK 254,328 for the last 3 years (2023 amounts).
Only income earned during membership periods can be included in the calculation.
If you are entitled to benefits, you must do the following to have the benefits paid out:
- Register as a job seeker on your first day of unemployment at your local job center, or on
- Complete a declaration of unemployment with your a-kasse.
- As long as you recieve benefits, you must be actively seeking employment and willing to accept offers of employment with one day's notice. This means that there must be no factual or legal obstacles for you to legally accept work.
How much and for how long will you receive benefits?Your unemployment benefits (dagpenge) may not exceed 90 percent of your previous salary and may never be higher than the maximum rate. In 2023 the maximum amount is DKK 19,728 per month for a full-time insured member.
As a rule, a member has a right to unemployment benefits for a maximum of 2 years in total within a 3 year period.
Do you have questions about unemployment benefits?The website
Guide for unemployment insurance in Denmark ( offers guides in English and other languages.