
Avoid being scammed

While crime-rates in general in Denmark are low, the number of housing scams , however, is increasing. Especially around study start, where many students are looking for accommodation. Here is how to avoid them when looking for housing.

Photo: Kasper Kristoffersen

Useful links

Avoid scams

  • Be aware if text message has no visible phone number
    Be on the alert if a person with a room or flat for rent sends you a text message with no visible phone number. These types of messages are sent through the web and may imply a scam. 
  • Be aware if email address originates outside of Denmark
    Be on the alert if the person is resident in a country other than Denmark. Look out for email addresses which originate in the UK, Germany or any countries outside of Denmark. This could indicate that the address given for the property in Denmark may not exist. 
  • Never pay money under the table
    Never pay money under the table. It is illegal and you have no legal way of getting your money back.  
  • Never pay the deposit in cash
    Never pay the deposit in cash. Instead make a bank transfer so the transaction can be traced.  
  • Avoid services where you cannot reverse the transaction
    Never pay the rent or deposit via services where you cannot reverse the transaction, such as Moneybookers Escrow or Western Union.  
  • See who owns the property
    It is a good idea to see who owns the property. You can do so at  
  • Register your Civil Registration Number at the property
    Before you commit to anything, make sure that you can register for your CPR number (Civil Registration Number) at the property.

    It is mandatory to have a CPR number if you are resident in Denmark even shortterm as an exchange student. You will also need a CPR number to be able to open a bank account in Denmark or register with a doctor, among other things.

    You must have a valid address to apply for the CPR number. It is illegal to use a different address for this purpose.  If the person from whom you are renting will not permit you to register their address with the citizen service, do not accept the offer.  
  • Get a contract signed
    Make sure that you receive a contract signed by the current tenant or landlord/lady.
  • Read the contract carefully
    Always read the contract carefully and make sure that what you agreed on is also confirmed in writing.  
  • When subleasing a room or apartment
    When subleasing a room or apartment make sure that the landlord/lady of the property is informed of the sublease. This will put you in a better position in case of a conflict between the landlord/owner and the person subleasing to you.    
  • Don't feel pressured to sign anything
    Be on the alert if you are required to sign immediately. Do not feel pressured into signing anything.  
  • Airbnb can be a temporary solution
    Airbnb can be a useful temporary solution while you look for somewhere more permanent.  Please be aware however that you may have difficulty registering for your CPR number while resident in this kind of temporary accommodation.  Please make sure to answer only Airbnb messages through the Airbnb web page as some people have been scammed through fraudulent e-mails.  
The page was last edited by: Web editor - Student Communications // 06/26/2024