
Launch of the CBS Competitiveness Platform

Friday March 15, the CBS Competitiveness Platform will kick off with a strong and ambitious lineup. The event will include Jørgen Tang-Jensen, CEO of Velux and Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen, CEO of Carlsberg

Friday, March 15, 2013 - 13:00 to 16:30

In the years to come, CBS will make competitiveness a major issue. The competitiveness of firms in a rapidly developing global competition is of paramount importance for the society and its development.  Therefore, CBS is making major investments in developing research, education and enhancing public debate and understanding in the complex field of what makes firms competitive.

Friday March 15, the CBS Competitiveness Platform will kick off with a strong and ambitious lineup. The key note speakers – Jørgen Tang-Jensen, CEO of Velux and Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen, CEO of Carlsberg – will address the issue of competitiveness and how their firms relate to it. Afterwards there will be a networking session with food and beverages.

Sign up by writing to competitiveness@cbs.dk and read the full program below:


13:00 Welcome by Rector Per Holten-Andersen. Two major CBS events: New BIS-platform and new Adjunct Professor
13:15 What are the goals of the BIS-platform? by Christer Karlsson, Academic Director
13:30 What makes Velux competitive and how can the BIS-platform contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of Danish industry?  by Jørgen Tang-Jensen, CEO of Velux
14:15 Interview with Jørgen Tang-Jensen. Interviewer: Torben Pedersen, Academic Director
14:30 Break and networking
15:00 Nicolai J. Foss, Head of Department of Strategic Management and Globalization (SMG), introduces Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen as Adjunct Professor at SMG
15:10 Inaugural lecture by Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen, CEO of Carlsberg on: “What makes Carlsberg competitive and how can the BIS-platform contribute to enhancing the competitiveness of Danish industry?”
16:00 Interview with Jørgen Buhl Rasmussen. Interviewer: Bent Petersen, Professor at SMG
16:30 Closing remarks with a virtual tour on the web-site, etc. Networking – food and beverages


The page was last edited by: Communications // 02/03/2015